I have an analytical brain and a fondness for spreadsheets.

It might cause some people to shudder, roll their eyes or pull their hair out, but I love data. I like to make intentioned, evidence-based decisions and believe that data is essential for good strategy. Uncovering a data-driven insight or (dis)proving something with research brings me a strange kind of joy. When I write an agency brief, it is robust because I make sure to include as much relevant data as possible to accurately identify the opportunities and challenges the campaign needs to address.

Market Research Dashboard

The City of Perth execute several campaigns each year which were previously measured through individual impact reports. Working with research company Culture Counts, I guided the development of a dashboard which combined existing data about visitation and spend with awareness, attendance and sentiment data from surveys and fieldwork. I was in data-heaven! We were able to have an ‘always-on’ view which allowed us to take a step back and spot trends, uncover insights and more clearly see the impact our campaigns were having against a regular Perth day. This information was useful both in informing campaign briefs and evaluating against objectives.

Me presenting campaign data to stakeholders.